Hemp, also known as industrial hemp, is a plant in the Cannabaceae family, cultivated for its fiber or edible seeds.
Hemp is sometimes confused with cannabis plants, otherwise known as marijuana. Although both hemp and marijuana contain tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a compound that produces psychoactive effects in humans, the variety of cannabis grown for hemp contains only small quantities of THC compared with that grown for marijuana production.
What does hemp look like?
The hemp plant is a robust, aromatic annual herbaceous plant. The slender, cane-shaped stalks are hollow except at the tip and base. The leaves are palmately compound and the flowers are small and greenish-yellow. Seed-producing flowers form elongated, spiky clusters that grow on female plants. Pollen-producing flowers form multi-branched clusters on staminate or male plants.
Hemp cultivation
Hemp originated in Central Asia. Cultivation of hemp for fibre was recorded in China as early as 2800 BC and was practised in the Mediterranean countries of Europe at the beginning of the Christian era, spreading to the rest of Europe in the Middle Ages. It was also planted in Chile in the 1500s and a century later in North America.
Hemp is grown in temperate zones from seed and can reach heights of up to 5 meters. Crops grow best in sandy soil with good drainage and require average monthly rainfall of at least 65 mm, throughout the growing season. Plants grown for fiber are densely sown and produce plants averaging 2 to 3 meters in height with almost no branching. Plants grown for seed are planted further apart, and are shorter and more densely branched. In fiber production, maximum yield and quality are obtained by harvesting shortly after the plants reach maturity, which is indicated by full flowers and the free release of pollen from male plants.
Fiber is obtained by subjecting the stalks to a series of operations, including retting, drying and crushing, as well as a shaking process that completes the separation of the woody part, releasing the long, straight fiber.
What is hemp used for?
The fiber, longer and less flexible than flax, is generally yellowish, greenish, dark brown or gray. It’s a strong, durable fiber used to make rope, twine and thread. But it can also be used for artificial sponges and coarse fabrics such as sacking and canvas. Some specially treated hemp fibers have a whitish color and attractive sheen, and are used to make linen-like fabrics for clothing.
Hemp fiber is also used to make recyclable and biodegradable bioplastics. The new “hemp concrete”, a composite material made from hemp and a lime binder, can be used in the same way as traditional concrete in non-load-bearing applications. Hemp can also be used as an alternative to wood pulp in some cases, is frequently used in paper manufacture and is a sustainable alternative to fiberglass insulation in buildings.
The edible seeds contain around 30% oil and are a source of protein, fiber and magnesium. Hulled hemp seeds are sold as a natural food and can be eaten raw. They are usually sprinkled on salads or blended into fruit smoothies. Hemp seed milk is used as an alternative to cow’s milk in drinks and recipes. But historically, the main commercial use of the seed has been as a feed for caged birds.
Hemp and CBD
In addition to the health benefits of hemp’s nutritive components, there are also potential health benefits from non-nutritive compounds such as cannabidiol. CBD is attracting considerable public interest because of its virtues for the body and mind. CBD products are made from hemp plants because they contain much more CBD and almost no THC, which is the compound that creates the “high”.
CBD Alchemy offers you a range of products derived from the hemp plant to incorporate into your wellness routine. All our CBD flowers, CBD resins and CBD oils are derived from hemp and contain very little THC – less than 0.2% – making them 100% legal.