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Marihuanas Flower: Complete Guide to its Cultivation

Learn how to grow marijuana flower with advanced techniques.
Learn how to grow marijuana flower with advanced techniques.

Marijuana flower, also known as bud, is the most important part of cannabis. Used for both recreational and medicinal purposes, it’s essential to know how to grow it correctly. Read on to learn everything from flowering to advanced growing techniques. We’ll also cover indoor growing as one of the techniques.

Key Points

  • Marijuana has a long history of diverse uses, including textile, medicinal and psychotropic, and currently CBD flower cultivation is advanced in Spain by companies such as CBD Alchemy.
  • The cannabis flowering process is divided into several essential phases, from the initial transition and stretching to the final maturation of the buds, each requiring specific management to ensure a high quality harvest. Importantly, photoperiod plays a crucial role in the induction and development of flowering.
  • During the flowering phase, it is crucial to follow good cultivation practices-such as pH adjustment, temperature and humidity control, and proper fertilization-in addition to advanced techniques such as LST, pruning, and CO₂ supplementation to maximize yield and quality.

Understanding the Marijuana Flower

Illustration of a flowering cannabis plant
Illustration of a flowering cannabis plant

The Cannabis sativa plant, also known as hemp or marijuana, is an annual, dioecious plant native to the Himalayas. This means that there are male and female plants, each with its own distinctive characteristics. Male flowers are branched and paniculiform, while female flowers are more compact and pistillate, the latter being the most valued by growers due to their cannabinoid content.

Marijuana flowers vary not only in their shape and size, but also in their properties and uses. Some varieties are psychoactive due to their high THC content, while others are mainly used for fiber or as a source of CBD, a non-psychoactive cannabinoid with multiple medicinal applications. The genetics of the plant significantly influence these properties, determining its cannabinoid content and its suitability for different uses. Female flowers are particularly important in cultivation, as they allow the sex of the plant to be identified and determine whether it is suitable for bud production.

Historically, marijuana has been used to obtain:

  • Textile fiber
  • Seed oil
  • Medicine
  • As a psychotropic

Its use dates back to 3,000 BC in Asia, where it was used in religious rituals and medicinal practices. Today, marijuana continues to be a plant of great interest for both recreational and medicinal use, and its cultivation has expanded worldwide.

In this context, CBD Alchemy stands out for offering:

  • Premium CBD flowers, grown under strict quality standards in regions such as Valencia and Barcelona.
  • Since 1997, CBD Alchemy has led the CBD flower market in Spain.
  • Providing legal buds and high CBD content products, ideal for those seeking the therapeutic benefits without the psychoactive effects of THC.

Cannabis Flowering Phases

Illustration of different phases of cannabis flowering
Illustration of different phases of cannabis flowering

The flowering phase of cannabis is a fascinating and crucial process for obtaining a quality harvest. This stage is divided into several phases, each with specific characteristics and needs. From the initial transition and stretching to the final maturation of the buds, each phase plays a vital role in the development of the plants. It is important to highlight the relevance of training the plants during the different phases of flowering to ensure optimal growth.

During flowering, marijuana plants undergo significant changes in growth and development. It is essential for growers to understand and properly manage each phase to maximize results and ensure a successful harvest. We will explore these phases in detail below, offering practical tips and advanced techniques to optimize cultivation.

Phase One: Transition and Stretch

Discover the secrets of marijuana flower cultivation.
Discover the secrets of marijuana flower cultivation.

The transition from the vegetative phase to the flowering phase is initiated by changing the photoperiod to 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness. This change triggers an accelerated growth spurt known as “stretching”, where plants double or even triple their height in the first weeks of flowering. This stretching is crucial for the plants to develop a robust structure capable of supporting the future buds.

During this first week, the plants devote their efforts to gain size and height, developing new leaves on the main colas. It is important to gradually adjust humidity levels, temperature and light cycle to manage this transition smoothly and avoid stressing the plants. Adjusting the light cycle during the transition to the flowering phase is essential to optimize plant growth and health.

Flower Development

Illustration of bud development on cannabis plants
Illustration of bud development on cannabis plants

In the second week of flowering, it is possible to observe the first white pistils on female cannabis plants. This stage is indicative of the beginning of the flowering period. These pistils are the precursors of the buds and their appearance marks the beginning of floral development. The appearance of pistils is a clear indicator of the beginning of flower development. From the third week, the first real buds begin to form, and the plants begin to emit perceptible aromas.

In the fifth week, the buds begin to fatten and become more voluminous. The stigmas, initially straight and white, begin to curve and change color from white to yellow and finally to brown, indicating that maturation is in progress.

Bud ripening

Illustration of trichomes on cannabis buds
Illustration of trichomes on cannabis buds

Bud maturation is a critical phase that requires careful observation of the trichomes. Using a magnifying glass or microscope, growers should check to see if the trichomes have turned opaque and amber in color, signs that the plant is ready for harvest. Observing the trichomes is a reliable method for determining the right time to harvest. Avoiding harvesting too early is critical to ensure the flavor, quality and potency of the buds.

Generally, cannabis plants are ready for harvest between weeks 6 and 8 of flowering, although some strains may be ready earlier. The buds should be:

  • Dense
  • Firm
  • Covered by milky-white trichomes
  • With some dark pistils

These characteristics guarantee a high quality harvest.

Good Practices during flowering

Grow your own flowering marijuana plant with our tips.
Grow your own flowering marijuana plant with our tips.

During the flowering phase, it is essential to follow good growing practices to ensure a successful harvest. Adjusting the pH of the water is crucial to optimize nutrient uptake; in soil, the pH should be between 6.3 and 6.8, while in hydroponic systems it should be kept between 5.5 and 6.1. In addition, avoiding overwatering is vital to prevent nutrient deficiencies and diseases.

Temperature and humidity should be kept within specific ranges to avoid mold and pest problems.

  • Daytime temperature should not exceed 25°C (77°F)
  • Relative humidity during flowering should be between 30-40%
  • Adequate ventilation is also critical to keep plants healthy and promote optimal growth.

Fertilization and Nutrients

The flowering marijuana plant requires specific care for its growth.
The flowering marijuana plant requires specific care for its growth.

The nutritional needs of marijuana plants change at the beginning of flowering, favoring phosphorus and potassium over nitrogen. After starting the flowering phase, it is advisable to continue administering the growth fertilizer for at least one more week. This will ensure a good development of the plants.

During weeks 6-8 of flowering, the nutrients phosphorus, potassium and calcium are still important. The commonly used NPK formula in mid-flowering is 6-10-15. This ratio provides the nutrients needed for plant development at that stage. To avoid over-nutrient burn, it is essential to strictly follow a fertilization schedule and to do a root flush before harvest.

Temperature and Humidity Control

Marijuana flowers are grown with advanced techniques for maximum quality.
Marijuana flowers are grown with advanced techniques for maximum quality.

The preferred daytime temperatures for cannabis plants during flowering are 20-23°C, while the preferred nighttime temperatures are 15-18°C. If the temperature drops or rises suddenly, it can cause a shock to the plants, leading to problems such as:

  • Bud rot
  • Leaf wilt
  • Decrease in resin production
  • The development of fungal diseases

It is important to maintain a stable environment and control the temperature to ensure healthy growth of cannabis plants.

Maintaining relative humidity at 45% in the grow room during the flowering phase is crucial to prevent mold problems and optimize plant development. Heat stress can manifest itself on the edges of the leaves, which take on a burnt appearance and a yellow or brown color.

Structural Support

Illustration of structural support for cannabis plants during flowering
Illustration of structural support for cannabis plants during flowering

During the fourth week of flowering, cannabis plants may need additional support to hold the weight of the buds. Good structural support is crucial to ensure a successful harvest. Using bamboo canes and ropes can be an effective solution to prevent branches from bending or breaking under the weight.

These supports not only help maintain the structural integrity of the plants, but also ensure that loaded branches receive as much light as possible, promoting uniform and healthy bud development.

Advanced Cultivation Techniques

Find the best flower marijuana in our CBD shop.
Find the best flower marijuana in our CBD shop.

For growers looking to maximize the yield and quality of their cannabis plants, there are several advanced growing techniques. Methods such as hydroponics, pruning and training can significantly boost plant health and production. Hydroponics, in particular, is an advanced technique that allows precise control of nutrients and water, optimizing plant growth. Below, we will explore some of these advanced techniques and how they can be applied during the flowering phase.

Topping and FIMing are popular techniques that involve cutting off the tip of the plant to encourage wider rather than taller growth. Super cropping, which involves pinching and bending the stems, strengthens plants by allowing them to heal and become thicker. The SCROG (Screen of Green) technique is also effective for training plants to grow horizontally using a mesh or net.

Low Stress Training (LST)

Marijuana flower is ideal for relieving stress and anxiety.
Marijuana flower is ideal for relieving stress and anxiety.

Low Stress Training (LST) is a technique that allows you to manipulate the plants and deal with the extra stretch produced at the onset of flowering. Using anchors and ropes, the upper branches are bent and fixed to promote horizontal growth and improve light distribution. The use of anchors to bend and fix the upper branches is essential to maximize the benefits of LST.

It is recommended to start LST when the plant is between 3 and 6 internodes, as it is more flexible at that stage. This technique is ideal for autoflowering plants because it does not cause significant stress and optimizes light exposure.

Pruning and defoliation

Learn about the flowering phases of the marijuana flower.
Learn about the flowering phases of the marijuana flower.

Pruning and defoliation are essential techniques for optimizing cannabis cultivation. Pruning involves cutting the lower branches that do not receive much light, allowing the plant to concentrate its energy on the upper parts. On the other hand, apical pruning distributes the plant’s strength towards the secondary branches, favoring a more horizontal growth.

These techniques not only improve plant structure, but also increase bud production by ensuring that all parts of the plant receive sufficient light and nutrients.

CO₂ supplementation

Our CBD buds are grown to strict quality standards.
Our CBD buds are grown to strict quality standards.

Supplementation with CO₂ can significantly increase the rate of photosynthesis, resulting in increased growth and flower production. Supplementation with CO₂ can increase the rate of photosynthesis, which optimizes growth and flower production. Cannabis plants grow bigger and stronger when more CO₂ is added to the air, similar to how vitamins improve human health.

Supplementing plants with CO₂ at levels of 1,000-1,200 ppm can improve development and yields during the flowering phase.

Pre-Harvest Root Washing

Different strains of marijuana flower grown in CBD Alchemy.
Different strains of marijuana flower grown in CBD Alchemy.

Root washing is a crucial pre-harvest step to ensure that the marijuana buds are pure in taste and free of nutrient residues. This process involves stopping the administration of nutrients and giving the plants pH-balanced water. The best time to wash the roots is two weeks before harvest.

During these two weeks, root flushing should be done with pure, pH-adjusted water, actively removing all salts and minerals from the soil. Using enzymes during this process can help break down starches, carbohydrates and nutrients, ensuring that plants are completely clean for harvest.

Identifying Common Problems

Find premium CBD flowers in our store.
Find premium CBD flowers in our store.

During the flowering phase, it is common to face problems that can affect plant health and performance. Nutrient deficiencies, for example, can manifest as discolored and yellowing leaves, or even total leaf loss. Nutrient lockout, caused by inadequate pH or excessive salt concentration, prevents plants from absorbing needed nutrients, even though they are present in the soil. Nutrient lockout is a common cause of nutrient deficiencies.

Other common problems include pests such as spider mites and mildew, which must be eliminated quickly to avoid further damage. Over- or under-watering can also be detrimental, causing leaves to drop and flowers to die or suffer damage.

Finally, an imbalance in substrate pH can have devastating consequences, such as leaf discoloration and wilting.

Get the best marijuana flower in our CBD shop.
Get the best marijuana flower in our CBD shop.

There are many varieties of marijuana, each with unique characteristics and effects. Sativa strains, for example, are known for their energizing and creative effects, and can reach up to 4 meters in height. Native to Asia, Africa and South America, Sativas are ideal for treating depression, stimulating appetite and increasing energy in cases of chronic fatigue.

Indica strains, on the other hand, are ideal for relaxation and well-being due to their high CBD content. These strains are usually more compact and have a shape similar to a Christmas tree. Common effects of Indica flowers include:

  • Relaxation and stress relief
  • Anxiety and chronic pain
  • Widely used medicinally to treat insomnia and reduce inflammation.

Finally, Ruderalis marijuana, although less common, stands out for its high resistance to various environmental conditions. Among the popular varieties, we find strains such as Kush, Skunk and Haze, each with distinctive properties and effects.


The marijuana flower is the most valuable part of the cannabis plant.
The marijuana flower is the most valuable part of the cannabis plant.

Kush strains originate from the mountainous Hindu Kush region, which lies between Afghanistan and Pakistan. This place is known for producing high quality cannabis strains. Some popular strains include OG Kush, Bubba Kush and Purple Kush, known for their relaxing effects and earthy, spicy flavors.

OG Kush, in particular, stands out for its potent effect, unique aroma and price.


Discover how skunk flower can improve your health.
Discover how skunk flower can improve your health.

Skunk strains are characterized by:

  • Their strong skunk-like aroma
  • Strong and distinctive aroma
  • Providing a balanced experience both physically and mentally
  • Combining relaxing and uplifting effects
  • Being a popular choice among marijuana consumers.


Haze flower offers both recreational and medicinal benefits.
Haze flower offers both recreational and medicinal benefits.

Haze strains are known for their energizing and cerebral effects. They also have a citrus and spicy aroma. Silver Haze, Super Lemon Haze and Amnesia Haze are some of the popular Haze strains known for their uplifting properties. These strains are prized for their energizing effects. The ‘energizing effect’ of Haze strains makes them ideal for those looking for a boost of energy and creativity.

Consumption and Uses of Marijuana Flowers

CBD buds are perfect for a natural and safe experience.
CBD buds are perfect for a natural and safe experience.

Marijuana flowers can be consumed in a variety of ways, each offering different therapeutic benefits. Smoking and vaporizing are popular methods that allow for rapid absorption of cannabinoids into the body, providing almost immediate effects. In addition, vaporizers reduce exposure to harmful compounds produced during combustion, offering a healthier alternative to smoking.

Infusions and edibles are another way to consume marijuana, preparing the flowers by heating them to extract their cannabinoids. These methods offer a longer duration of effect compared to smoking or vaporizing, although they also take longer to take effect.

Some examples of infusions and edibles are:

  • Marijuana tea
  • Marijuana cookies
  • Marijuana brownies
  • Marijuana oil

Edibles, for example, are a popular choice for those seeking prolonged pain relief.

Smoking and Vaporizing

CBD buds are a rich source of beneficial cannabinoids.
CBD buds are a rich source of beneficial cannabinoids.

Smoking and vaporizing marijuana are effective methods of consuming THC and CBD. Smoking allows for rapid absorption of THC into the body, providing almost immediate effects. The rapid absorption of THC from smoking marijuana is one of the reasons why many users prefer this method.

Vaporizing, on the other hand, reduces exposure to harmful compounds produced by combustion, offering a healthier alternative.

Infusions and Edibles

Enjoy the benefits of marijuana flower with our products.
Enjoy the benefits of marijuana flower with our products.

Marijuana infusions and edibles are prepared as follows:

  1. Heating the flowers to extract their cannabinoids.
  2. To prepare an infusion, you need to combine the buds with a fatty substance such as whole milk, as THC is not soluble in water.
  3. This method provides a longer duration of effect.


In summary, the flowering phase is crucial to the success of marijuana cultivation, and understanding each stage of this process is essential to obtaining a high quality harvest. From the initial transition and flower development to bud maturation and root flushing, each step requires attention and care. With the advanced techniques and best practices described, growers can optimize the yield and quality of their plants. Now you’re ready to take your marijuana growing to the next level!

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I start the flowering phase of my cannabis crop?

You should start the flowering phase in your cannabis grow by changing the photoperiod to 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness. This will help the plant to start its flowering stage properly.

What is the importance of pre-harvest root flushing?

Root flushing before harvest is important because it removes salts and minerals from the soil, resulting in better tasting and better quality buds.

What advanced techniques can I use to improve my cannabis crop?

To improve your cannabis crop, you can use techniques such as Low Stress Training (LST), pruning and CO₂ supplementation, which can significantly improve the yield and quality of your plants. give it a try!

What are the benefits of vaporizing marijuana instead of smoking it?

Vaporizing marijuana instead of smoking it offers a healthier alternative by reducing exposure to harmful compounds produced by combustion.

What strains of marijuana are best for medicinal use?

Indica strains are ideal for pain relief and relaxation, while Sativa strains are useful for stimulating appetite and increasing energy. In conclusion, for medicinal use it is recommended to use Indica strains for pain relief and Sativa strains for increasing energy and appetite.

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