The different hash are : Charas, Banana Zkittlez and Super creme from CBD Alchemy.
What is hashish?
Hashish, also known as hash, is a cannabis concentrate made by pressing the resin glands, or trichomes, of the cannabis plant together. It is a cannabis derivative that is more concentrated and thus more potent than dry cannabis flowers.
Most people smoke or vaporize hashish, but it can also be eaten or mixed into drinks.
Hashish is made by extracting cannabis, so the quality of the hashish depends on the genetics of cannabis and how well the cannabis was grown and dried. If you make orange juice from rotten oranges, it doesn’t matter if you use the best orange juicer in the world: the juice won’t be any better.
The amount of THC, CBD, and other natural compounds in hash will vary depending on the genetics of the cannabis plant used as biomass during the extraction process.
Hash is well-known for its robust and fragrant taste and smell, as well as its ease of storage, transportation, and use.
Homemade hash can be made in a number of ways, including using leaves and trimmings, scissor hash, rosin hash, dry sifting, the ice/water process (also called bubble hash), and mechanical drum hash.
Hash has many names and qualities, which sometimes depend on the region where it was produced or the genetics of cannabis used for producing it, for example, Red Lebanon hash, Blondie 00, Charas, Ketama Gold, Banana Zkittlez, and Super Creme.
Some hashish is made the old-fashioned way, by hand collecting and pressing the trichomes. Other hashish is made using more modern techniques, like solvent extraction.
One of the best things about quality hashish is its high concentration of cannabinoids like THC and CBD, which can give you an intense and long-lasting high or other desired effects. Hashish is often used for fun, but it can also be used as medicine, especially for people with chronic pain or anxiety.
Even though it might be helpful, it’s important to remember that hashish is still a controlled substance in many countries, meaning it may be illegal to own, sell, or use.

History of how hashish was used
Hashish is a strong type of cannabis that has been used in Morocco, India, Afghanistan, and Lebanon for a very long time. Cannabis has been a big part of religious and recreational traditions in these areas for thousands of years.
Cannabis cultivation and the creation of hashish have been fundamental components of Moroccan culture. Hashish was first used to reach spiritual enlightenment in Morocco in the 12th century by the Sufi religious order. Hashish production in Morocco is tied to the Rif Mountains, which have many places where cannabis is grown. Some of the best hashish in the world comes from these areas.
The use of hashish in India may be dated back to the Vedic period, circa 2000 BCE. It was used as medicine because it had many health benefits, like relieving pain and making it easier to concentrate and remember things. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, hashish production in India became inextricably linked to the charas trade, which was transported from India to other areas of the world. Charas is a type of hashish that is made by hand. It comes from the Indian Himalayas. It is made from fresh cannabis buds that haven’t been dried yet.
Afghanistan is another country that makes a lot of hashish. It has a long history of growing cannabis and making hashish. Since the 13th century, when the Sufi religious order ate it, hashish has been used in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is now one of the biggest hashish producers in the world. Most of the hashish is made in the southern and western provinces of the country.
Lebanon has a long history of growing cannabis, and it has also been an important place for making hashish.
A number of cannabis-growing regions in the country’s Bekaa Valley produce high-quality hashish known for its rich, fragrant flavor and high THC content.
Hashish is now made in many places around the world, like the US, Canada, and Europe, in addition to these traditional hashish-making regions. Hashish comes in many different types, such as Rosin hash, Charas, Nepalese Temple Ball hash, Kief hash, Scissor hash, Dry sifting, Ice/water method (also called bubble hash), and mechanical drum hash.
Hash will have different amounts of THC, CBD, and other chemicals depending on the genetics of the cannabis plant, how it grows, how it’s dried, and how it is produced.
Hashish, no matter how it is made, is a strong form of cannabis that is often used and known for its strong, rich flavor and smell. It’s a popular option for people who want to get the effects of cannabis in a concentrated form because it’s easy to store, transport, and use.

Methods for making hashish
Hashish, also called hash, is a strong form of cannabis that can be made in different ways. It is made by concentrating and packing the trichomes on the cannabis plant (resin glands). Some of the most common ways to make hash at home are listed below:
- Rosin hash: to get the rosin out of the cannabis buds, you use a rosin press, which heats and presses the buds. Rosin hash is created without the use of solvents, making it a safe and simple method for creating cannabis concentrates at home. Rosin presses come in a wide range of sizes and prices, from small, personal units to large, industrial-grade machines that can make a lot of rosin at once.
- Hand rolling hash: in this procedure, the cannabis buds are rolled between your palms to gather the hash, which is then scraped off and compressed into a ball. Hand rolling has been done for sure for thousands of years, and it’s a simple way to make hash from fresh, uncured buds.
- Charas: This sort of hand-made hash is similar to rolling, except it is prepared with fresh, uncured cannabis buds. A popular type of charas is known as Malana Cream, which is made in Himachal Pradesh, a northern Indian state in the Himalayas.
- Nepalese Temple Ball hash was popular in the 1960s and 1970s. It was made by rolling cannabis grown in the Himalayas of Nepal by hand into egg-shaped balls about the size of your palm.
- Kief hash is made by collecting the kief, or resin glands, that gather at the bottom of a grinder or jar and pressing them together. Kief is easy to turn into a block of hash, whether you do it by hand or with a pollen press.
- Scissor hash is made by cutting the cannabis buds’ resin glands off with scissors and putting them on a surface, like a plate or a piece of parchment paper. The resin glands are then squeezed and formed into a hash block.
- Dry sifting: In this process, a silkscreen or another type of sifting equipment is used to separate the resin glands from the plant material. Hash is made by collecting the resin glands and pressing them into a block.
- Bubble hash: cannabis plants are frozen and then stirred in ice water to separate the resin glands. Hash is made by collecting the resin glands and pressing them into a block.
- Mechanical drum hash: hash made using a mechanical drum equipped with a series of screens is called “drum hash,” and it is used to separate the resin glands from the plant material. For maximum efficiency when separating the hash from the plant material, mechanical drum hash requires working at cold temperatures, for example, 4ºC (39° F). The resin glands are harvested and compressed into a hashish block.
To ensure a quality product, regardless of the method used, it is critical to select the right cannabis genetics, grow and dry the plants in the proper conditions, and produce high-quality hash in a clean and efficient manner.

Where to buy hashish online?
CBD Alchemy is proud of the high quality of its hashish and extracts, which include:
- Banana Zkittlez Ice Hashish is made from the cannabis strain Banana Zkittlez, which is known for its sweet, fruity taste and high THC or CBD level. The ice/water process, also called “bubble hash,” is used to make it. This involves freezing cannabis plants and stirring them in ice water to separate the resin glands. The resulting hashish is a high-quality concentrate, ideal for people seeking the intense effects of cannabis in a concentrated form.
- Blondie 00 Hashish: This one-of-a-kind hashish is made from the cannabis strain Blondie 00, which is recognized for its sweet, earthy flavor and high CBD content. It is made with a combination of hand rolling and dry sifting. The result is a strong, tasty concentrate that is great for people who want to use CBD for medical purposes.
- Charas Hashish is a traditional hand-made hashish that comes from the Indian Himalayas and is made from fresh cannabis buds that have not been dried. It has a rich, earthy flavor and a high THC content, making it a popular choice for anyone wishing to experience cannabis’s powerful effects.
- Ketama Gold Hashish is made from the cannabis strain Ketama Gold, which is known for having a sweet, lemony taste and a high THC content. It is made by hand rolling and dry sifting. The result is a strong, tasty concentrate that people who want to feel the full effects of cannabis should try.
- Super Creme Hashish is made from the cannabis strain Super Creme, which is known for its creamy vanilla flavor and high THC content. It is made by hand rolling and dry sifting. The result is a strong, tasty concentrate that people who want to feel the full effects of cannabis should try.
Additional resources:
Cannabis Alchemy – Art of Modern Hashmaking – D. Gold (Ronin, 1989) BBS
Hashish Paperback – January 1, 1998, by Robert Connell Clarke (Author)